Nature in Golden Age:
All the 5 elements: the fire, the earth, the water, the air and the ether will be in their purest condition and souls will descend on Earth to enjoy the play with the clear and splendid matter. The sun will be constantly shining in the sky with no cloud to shade it. The Sun will not be burning hot though. Its warmth will gentle you and everyone will be greatly pleased.
The earth will be so much fertile in the Golden Age that numerous kinds of trees and other plants growing there will have every minor element necessary for their growth. All the plants of heaven will bear fruit the year round. Mountains in Heaven will not be steep but they’ll have beautiful contours. Rivers of the purest transparent water will flow on the Golden Age earth. These rivers will neither dry nor overflow. They will glide through green and meadows paved with flowers. And each of the flowers will give them its breath and the water will be filled with lovely scents.
Magnificent waterfalls will delight the eye with its effervescent splashes. The wind will blow, the trees will sing softly, branches and sprouts will dance in the breeze. The whisper of the leaves of the swinging trees will create sounds similar to natural music pleasing the ear. The voices of bird will sound like various musical instruments. The gorgeous plums of the birds will delight eyes with their beauty. The birds will amuse the inhabitants with their beautiful voices, numerous plays and funny scenes. All this will happen only at your own sweet will.
The next element, Ether, is spread across the space. At this time both the Air and the Ether will create a reliable canopy and the Earth will be as if covered with a light duvet. All the lighting fixtures of the Earth will operate trouble free and serve as a decoration of the Golden Age fairy scenes. There will be the Moon, stars and various planets in the night. The Golden Age animals are gorgeous and royal. You will be able to watch them whenever you wish.
Not only people but also animals are vegetarians in the Golden Age. Precisely in honor of this time people say: “a lion and a lamb drink water together from the same brook”. Animals will never injure each other. Everyone enjoys the nature, peaceful life and happiness of the Golden Age. There will be no artificial toys in the Golden Age.
Any animal will joyfully show various games and funny scenes at your own sweet will. Wild life world will be amusing the inhabitants of the planet with a great pleasure. There will be all possible kinds of precious stones in Heaven. Diamonds, emeralds, sapphires, rubies will not only lie on the surface but also add shine and beauty to the wild life.
The sand will be of fine gold and transparent mica and will play in the sun’s rays. There will be such amount of gold that it will be used a construction material.
Climate in Golden Age:
The Climate in Heaven will depend on peculiarities of its location. Only one single continent will be existing at that time. The rest of the Earth surface will be covered with ocean. In as much as the area of the ocean is big, albedo of the planet (its reflecting capacity) will be much lower than nowadays for the ocean reflecting capacity is lower than the earth reflectance.
The Globe will be kind of wrapped in a light canopy and from Space it will show like if it is covered with a transparent haze. Attracting solar heat and retaining it on the Earth surface, the ocean will form mild climate. Thus it is not too much hot or too much cold in Heaven. Air temperature will be 21-22 degrees C.
There will be Eternal Spring in Heaven. Being opaque for the sun rays Carbon dioxide will contribute to atmosphere retention of the heat current radiated from the heated Earth surface. Therefore, the Earth climate becomes warmer and milder.
Carbon dioxide is an important component that takes part in metabolism of all the living organisms on the planet. Carbon dioxide regulates the activity of all the vitamins as well as enzymes. CO2 normalizes vital processes preventing early wear of cells as well as the whole body itself. According to scientists CO2 is a “vitamin of all the vitamins”. The content of oxygen, which is another important atmosphere component, will change a lot, Therefore Heaven inhabitants will never be ill.
They will live for a long time and will always retain their beauty and freshness. In the Golden Age some other factors, such as astronomic (connected with position and movement of the planet in the Solar System, axial inclination etc); geophysical, geographical as well as atmospheric factors will effect the climate formation.
All the elements of nature are completely pure at this time and they serve people always staying under control. There will no precipitations when people enjoy nature and walks during the day. all the moisture necessary for flora will nourish the soil in the night time. And by the moment of people awakening all nature will be ready to give them its beauty. At this time everything will be existing for nothing but pleasure.
Population in Golden Age:
The population of the Golden Age will be a small one. It will begin with 900 thousand people and this number will gradually grow especially in the Silver Age.The Golden Age is populated by people with divine qualities and divine virtues. All of them are full of all kinds of arts and all degrees of perfection for this reason they are called the deities. The deities are the people with divine qualities.
In the Golden Age the lifetime is 150 years so the total amount of births that you can take in the Golden Age is 8. All the inhabitants of the Golden Age are in the soul consciousness, i.e. they know that they are the souls who play the parts on the stage of the Golden Age. The souls who live in the World during this time are full of 100% purity and power, therefore all their actions are neutral and free of positive & negative. All the Deities are all-sufficient, contented and holy souls
The power of a pure souls is so great that along with the beautiful crowns and diadems of the precious jewels there is a wonderful shining aura around the head of each Deity as a crown of light. In the Golden Age there is no such concept as “death”. When the body reaches the age of 150 years the soul just leaves it and gets a new “suit”. That is what Michel de nostredame wrote about that time:
“The body without a soul is no more in sacrifice. Day of death put for birth: The divine spirit will make the soul happy, Seeing the world in his eternity” The Golden Age is a house free of suffering. There is no suffering or untimely death. People can leave their bodies and get the new ones by their own desire as they change the old clothes to the new one.
In the Golden Age people take births with a power of yoga. In a due time the soul leaves the body and takes another sheding the body automatically and entering the womb.
If you wish to enter the awe-inspiring world of the Golden Age you need to start working towards your goal of ultimate enlightenment. This goal can only be achieved if you are vice-less, pure & truthful.
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Meditate, Rejuvenate & visualize the Golden Age with us under the mentor-ship of Prajapita BrahmaKumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya.
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