God is the Supreme Soul, which means He is supreme among all other souls.
Like all souls, God is also a subtle point of light,
invisible to the naked eyes, but unlike humans, He is beyond the cycle of birth & death and the effect of actions in the form of experience of pleasure or pain.
God is the Supreme Father, Mother, Teacher & Preceptor of all human souls.
God is an Ocean of Knowledge, peace, purity, love, happiness, power & bliss. Being incorporeal, God is symbolized by an oval-shaped stone or a source of light in many religious traditions.
Hindus worship an oval-shaped stone called Shivlingam or Jyotirlingam, meaning a symbol of Shiva or symbol of light.
Muslims revere an oval-shaped black stone called Sang-e-Aswad (holy stone), which is placed in the Kaaba in the Grand Mosque in Mecca.
Jesus Christ, The founder of Christianity, said God is light. The sanctuary lamp which is ignited before the altar in several Christian as well as Jewish places of worship symbolizes the God’s eternal presence.
The founder of Sikhism, Guru Nanak, also sang the praises of the One who is ‘all light’ and incorporeal, while Zoroastrians revere God in the form of fire.
God does not pervade the physical universe. God the “Supreme soul” is in one location. His home is the incorporeal world, an infinite expanse of golden-red light beyond the sun, moon and stars. It is the original abode of all souls as well. By practice, we can travel to that abode by thought and experience its purity and stillness and the silent, luminous presence of our Father, which makes the soul feel truly at home.
God the “Supreme Soul” & Our souls stay perfectly calm, constant, stable and unchanging in that heavenly abode which is home of absolute stillness, calmness and purity. Some people believe that God dwells in the heart of the human beings. In a figurative way yes, He does, but only through love. What we believe or think to be God within us is actually eternal & unforgettable impression of Him. His real home is the soul world / incorporeal world / Brahmlok.
NO. If GOD is everywhere i.e within us also, then we would not, as individuals, have free will. If God were omnipresent it would mean that God hates and God kills, and that God searches for and worships himself, It is not possible for God to be omnipresent – i.e, in every person & every animal and the elements of nature, there by saying that God is less than perfect and in ignorance.
God does not pervade the physical universe; he is at one location, His home is the incorporeal world, an infinite expanse of golden-red light beyond the sun, moon & stars. It is the original abode of all souls as well.
God is called the Creator. He is the Ocean of Peace, Ocean of Knowledge, the Blissful One, and the Truth. He liberates humans from bondage to vices, and bestows salvation on them.
He dispels our sorrows, showers us with mercy and, while doing all this, is ABOLUTELY DETACHED.
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Sange e Aswad is the symbol of unity not Allah. Allah is every where. In the Quran it has been said that Hi is wherever you are. Nobody has seen God
God is a very deeply rooted feeling ,A Rey strong emotion which increases our understanding of the nature and every thing around us.Unless we develop an understanding about our self and our closeness to nature .To understand that feeling we want to identify as God.
God is not 100% what u define. Read islamic definition of God (sura kul hu Allah hu Ahad……)and u will be enlightened.God is omnipresent. God is, does not feel d necessity of eating, drinking, sleep,etc.i.e. free from manly / womenly habits., does not hve parents, neither wife nor son or daughter.He is just one to whome we should worship.He is d creator and every other thing on earths or skies even human beings is his creation. We must therefore bow before Him/ submit to Him.
God is everywhere and whereever we are he is with me.
God is spirit as said in the Bible. Unable to see him in our physical body. Worship him in spirit and truth.