Purity is the mother of peace, In the world of today, there is plenty of wealth, the treasure of science and power to rule, etc., but there is peacelessness because the element of purity that is experienced through Godly Knowledge is not there.
Without PURITY, there is always body-consciousness, which results in one or the other impure action.
A reflection in calm water is always clearly visible but in disturbed waters it remains unclear. A mind harassed or polluted by the vices cannot think and judge properly nor can it catch the powers and signals from the Supreme or connect with Him. Impurity also keeps concentration at bay.
In order to reach an ideal, the soul needs to practice stabilizing the mind and intellect in a dialogue on the original and eternal facts of its existence. Through Godly knowledge, the souls are able to re-experience their original and eternal pure and peaceful state of mind, and through this, the soul gets greater power to recognize accurately and discriminate properly between right and wrong.
In the world today, there are lots of illusory, confusing and attractive forms of vices. And therefore, it has become difficult to distinguish between truth and falsehood, right and wrong, real and unreal, vice and virtue, good and bad. In an impure and peaceless state, souls lose their self-awareness and health. But in a pure and peaceful state, they maintain balance and remain in perfect control of the bodily organs, because of freedom from the slavery of vices. Slavery cannot give peace.
A pure soul is independent. However an impure and peaceless person cannot judge anything properly.
He is caught in a vicious circle. In order to liberate the soul from this vicious circle, you are advised to remember. “I AM A PURE SOUL, SON OF THE EVER-PURE, SUPREME SOUL”.
Every now and then establish yourself in the state of introversion and then use your discretion and you will arrive at the right judgment. Decisions should be taken in a calm & pure state of mind.
Purity Is Real Wealth. Modern governments think of mental, social and physical health of people. They should pay equal attention to this spiritual health or purity of the people. Otherwise, all the material progress will not yield to true happiness.
Thus, such souls spread fragrance of peace and happiness like a fragrant flower and their divine virtues become self-evident. A person groping in the darkness of body-consciousness considers short-lived material enjoyments as the source of peace and happiness.
With the enlightenment of Godly knowledge and Rajyoga Meditation, material enjoyments are judged in their proper perspective, and virtues and spiritual love are understood to be the source for permanent happy and peaceful way of life.
Meditate with us! At no cost AT ALL… & regain your purity & peace !
Also Read:
Root Cause of Peacelessness
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