Most of us spend time lusting for money, power and physical pleasure. It is selfishness as its worst and creating an endless cycle of desires and indulgences.
We create a sense of hollowness as it finishes all the powers and dignity of the Soul.
It is about believing that ‘more’ is better as we go on satiating our hunger by trying to possess more and more even if it comes at the cost of values.
One who is greedy is always poor and empty inside even if one has enough at his disposal.
This vice has resulted in the exploitation of nature and human beings.
whenever our desires are not fulfilled, when situations do not turn out or people do not behave the way we want them to then we become angry. This loss of ‘being in control’ leads us to destructive behavior.
It comes from a wrong sense of identity where we need to hold on to whatever we are attached to,
be it a person or an object or a role. It is all about ‘I’ me’ and ‘mine’
This is a false identity where we feel superior or inferior depending on people and situations, thus creating feelings of insecurity and competition.
The above vices leave us completely powerless and empty from inside. As we experience a void of wisdom, peace, joy, love and power, we need to realize that this void can only be re-filled by us.
When we realize our own truth, the truth of our identity, our pure nature –‘I am a pure being of energy, a soul’ – then we begin to return to our original powerful self and are able to form union with the Supreme.
We need to ask: Who we are and whom do we belong to?
This helps to stay in the remembrance of the Supreme and created an inner atmosphere full of peace, love and joy. When we are distressed, we need to run to God’s power.
If our thoughts are filled with anger and bitterness, then we must look at God’s healing power of love and compassion. If our thoughts revolve around the materialistic world, we can look at our unlimited fortune of knowing and finding God.
His incessant loving remembrance helps us to remain grounded and sets us free from the dark influence of the vices. God is giving knowledge to remove sorrow and establish a world of peace and happiness. The only thing, He asks from the children is, to be bodiless and remember Him.
As the soul’s power increases through the union with the Supreme, the vices start disappearing. The vices are nothing but the symptom of loss of power. As we begin to draw upon the power of Supreme, it discards the dirt of the vices and emerge our original pure righteous self.
To get free from the clutches of these vices, one needs to work on his mind, body and soul together. She/he has to work towards the wholesome development of the individuals as a soul.
In order to save your mind from getting controlled by these vices, you have to feed positive thoughts to your mind. These thoughts will bring in positivity, happiness and peace in your life.
We at our Spiritual RajYoga centers help people to learn how to meditate and channelize positivity in their lives. If you wish to control above vices and be a liberate soul, visit any of our centers and be part of the likeminded clan.
Meditate with us! At no cost AT ALL… & get rid of all these Vices
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