We all have different beliefs and understanding about God. Each one of us understands God in our own ways.
Some people think there is no such entity as God, their main argument being that there is no proof of His existence. Because God cannot be seen with the physical eyes doesn’t mean He doesn’t exist.
God’s presence is just like wind; it can be felt through spiritual knowledge and meditation but cannot be seen with naked eyes.
We call God the Supreme Soul which implies that he is supreme among all Souls. God is like our soul, a subtle point of light that is invisible to the naked eyes but He is free from the cycle of birth and re-birth and its repercussions in the form of experiencing pleasure or pain.
God is called the Supreme Soul, which means He is supreme among all souls. Like souls, God is a subtle point of light invisible to the naked eye, but unlike humans He is beyond the cycle of birth and death and the effect of actions in the form of experience of pleasure or pain.
God is the Supreme Soul as He is Our Supreme Father, Mother, Educator and Preceptor of all human souls. God is incorporeal and symbolized by an oval-shaped stone or as light in many religious traditions.
Hindus revere an oval-shaped stone known as Shivlingam or Jyotirlingam, which means a symbol of Shiva or a symbol of light.
Muslims worship an oval-shaped black stone known as Sang-e-Aswad (a holy stone), which is kept in the Kaaba in the Grand Mosque in Mecca.
The founder of Christianity, Jesus Christ, said The God is light. Have you ever visited Church or Jewish Places of worship? Have you seen the sanctuary lamp before the altar? That sanctuary lamp symbolizes God’s eternal presence.
Even Guru Nanak, the founder of Sikhism, also spoke in praise of the One who is ‘All Light’ and incorporeal. Also, Zoroastrians revere God in the form of fire.
The God or The Supreme Father of all soul is the Creator. He is the one because of the entire universe is existing in such harmony.
He has many names depicting His virtues. He is the Ocean of Love and Peace, The Ocean of Knowledge; He is the only Truth existing in this world and a blissful one who shows right path to all. He is the one who shows humans the path of heaven by liberating them from the bondage of vices and thus bestow salvation upon them.
He frees us from our bondages and burdens and leads us to the path of peace and harmony but is absolutely detached while helping us to move on the path of deliverance. There are many religions and paths that a human soul follows in search of God. But he is not the one who can be bound in the shackles of religion and exclusivity. He loves us all equally and belongs to us all alike.
Where does God live?
Is there any place where one can go to see Him or be with Him? God is a very subtle point of light, and He does not pervade the physical universe. Nor does he live in the heart of any human being or in matter.
His home is the incorporeal world, an infinite expanse of golden-red light beyond the sun, moon and stars.
His Home is also the original abode of all souls. With practice and perseverance, we can transport ourselves to the heavenly abode via meditation and get ourselves soaked into the pure, serene and the divine presence of our Father. His presence will make our soul feel truly at home in that original heavenly abode.
God descends into this world when it is enveloped in the darkness of ignorance and unrighteousness. This is a period when humans are groping around for want of clear understanding of their true identity and the purpose of life, and are acting under the influence of vices.
It is rightly known that, The Sun of Knowledge appears when it’s the darkest hour to dispel the darkness and herald the dawn of a new age of truth, peace and happiness. He reveals to humans eternal truths about the self, God and the vast drama taking place on this stage we call Earth. Empowered by this knowledge, and their connection with Him, souls free themselves from the influence of vices such as lust, anger, greed and ego and work to achieve their highest potential.
Such effort by a critical mass of humanity eventually brings about positive change in the whole human family, and the night comes to an end and a new day dawns.
If you wish to witness a new morning shining bright with the light of love, peace and calmness, start working on yourself today. We have helped millions to transform their lives by witnessing and experiencing the real truth of the world. If you also wish to be in His presence and be blessed by
the almighty, visit any of our centers located near you.
We at our centers help everyone who is seeking truth and is ready to walk on the path of nothing but the truth!
Meditate with us! At no cost AT ALL… & understand GOD more!
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