The two keywords are self-confidence and self-satisfaction.
Self-confidence brings self-motivation and there is self satisfaction.
But what are the roots of confidence.
There is no confidence without will-power. When we have the will power we get the confidence to perform.
But how do we get the will-power?
Knowledge is power, so knowledge or information about a particular subject generates the inner strength and confidence.
Knowledge has to be digested well in order to get the strength.
If the knowledge is mere information in our heads and not digested and brought down to the level of understanding, we cannot have the power or strength. Knowledge at the level of knowing is different from the knowledge brought to the level of understanding and being.
So when we have knowledge, we have the will-power, and the confidence. On the basis of the confidence,
we have the courage to take the initiative to do something and bring about a change. When we master that change, there is self satisfaction. Satisfaction is the most important factor for motivation.

It enriches us with valuable experience, which adds to our understanding and enhances our knowledge which in turn gives us more power and this is how the wheel of self motivation starts. This induces us to take up responsibility and commit ourselves. When people enjoy their activity, they spontaneously try to get more and more information. But in the initial stage, if we lack in information, we don’t have the requisite power, confidence and courage to take the initiative to bring about a change and then there is no satisfaction as there is stagnancy.
Thus, there is no enjoyment and satisfaction because there is no feeling of progress and self-development. The motivation is also affected and life becomes a mechanical process. But when we take in information we have to be very selective and capable to filter that information, otherwise, instead of being motivated, we may get into a vicious cycle.
We need to be self-empowered to take in the correct information to enhance our knowledge and understanding; otherwise we bring about a temporary change at the superficial level only. We are not able to bring a permanent change from the consciousness level or at a deeper level.

The Most superficial gross form of change is at the behavioral level, that is, to bring about in our actions or activities. The second level of change is at the intellectual level when we start understanding things in a different way. Sometimes we change at the intellectual level after understanding things in a different way, but it is pertaining to that situation only, because we always expect others to change. As such, this change is also temporary.
The Third level of change is at the emotional level that is, bringing a change in our feelings, but all these changes are temporary.
Bringing the change in the consciousness. Consciousness means the state of mind. To change the consciousness means to change our thinking process. Think in a different way.
How do we think in a different way? It is a cycle.
Consciousness or the state of mind is formed on the basis of thought pattern. What stimulates the thinking? Circumstance, situation, desires, needs, environment – all these are registered in the memory.
It is from the memory that the mind gets the stimulation. Just as whatever we feed in the computer is stored in the memory, similarly, the human memory is alike – whatever we perceive through the senses about the environment, the circumstances, the needs or crsis – everything is then registered in the memory. Then, according to the time or need the thought process starts. As is the quality of input, so is the output seen through the behaviour.
Behaviour brings a change in the personality. And the personality reinforces the memory. And a cycle is formed. This is how all the mechanisms are affected. Information comes from outside and is registered in the memory and affects each and every mechanism. One negative piece of information registered in the memory changes the entire mechanism from positive to negative.
unless we are not aware of the quality of inputs absorbed by the memory, we wont be able to change their behavior and personality? When a person gets into this vicious cycle, it is very difficult for him to mange himself and in the later stages there is great frustration created and one even finds difficult to survive.
Where do we break this vicious cycle? We all know that without our conscious awareness the memory is absorbing maximum negative input. Where do we bring the change from?
According to psychologists, human memory is so powerful in the early morning hours that it absorbs the inputs like a blotting paper. Some people have the capacity to absorb for half an hour, for some it is 45 minutes, one hour, two hours, three hours, depending from individual to individual.
When the memory reaches a saturated state, it does not absorb any further. We have to be selective, especially in the early morning hours when the memory is in a high state of absorbing. As such we have to be cautious of the quality of nourishment we are giving to our memory, because accordingly our entire system will function. When I nourish my mind with healthy positive inputs, I empower my self.
Spiritual dimension thus enables one to empower the self, which is the only source from where we get quality information or knowledge. Knowledge generates will power and we can thus take the focus of control in our own hands. Once we are self-empowered, we look at the problems and situations in a different way and instead of being influenced and controlled by them; we can mange them in a better way so as to easily control them.
We can maintain a positive attitude, a positive thinking process and deal accordingly.
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Self Realization
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