What we eat has a great effect on the mind. That food is not rightful which arouses passions, darkens one’s judgment or produces indolence and inertia. Such a food is called Rajasic or Tamsic.
The food which is not rightful (Sattvic) but Rajasic or Tamsic make’s a man’s mind unsteady and rest-less, his eyes criminal, his thoughts polluted, his outlook impious and tendencies unrighteous or it induces sloth and sleep in him.
Even a trifle would arouse passionate fury in the man who takes such a food and he won’t be able to clearly differentiate between what is proper and what is improper and what is moral as distinct from immoral.
He, whose food is not rightful and wholesome (Sattvic) cannot overcome vices not can he acquire constancy in Yoga. Therefore if we desire to have the bliss that Godly remembrance brings and if we are keen to conquer the vices and control the sense organs and become Yogis then we must care to have a rightful diet.
It means that our food should be such as has been bought with money earned by hones means and should consist of those things, which are offered to deities in the temples. At the same time we have ensure that our food is not cooked by a person who is lustful, hot-tempered or irascible, for the state of mind of the person who cooks also affects the food even as food effects the person who eats it.
Food gets vitiated if one who prepares it, is vicious and such a food, because of its potentiality for bad, is rendered unfit for one who practices yoga. We should therefore; take food prepared by a person who observes Brahmacharya and practices the remembrance of God, such food would be of help to us in our spiritual endeavors.
Also, we should be in loveful communion with God when we are at our meals. Thereby, our food shall get consecrated and purified and we shall not get engrossed in the savour or flavor or what we eat.
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