The present world we are living in, it is a must to recharge our spiritual battery at regular intervals else our consciousness will become dim, thoughts will be fuzzy and our decisions will be permeated with doubt.
We have the power to control what we feed our inner as well as the outer self. It is in our hands to control the way we react to a particular situation but we forget it in our daily hustle-bustle of life.
We forget that we have a spiritual center inside us right at the core of our consciousness which is a pure radiant light. It is a must for all of us to nurture that pure spirit residing inside us.
In fact, that pure enlightened light is what we are in true sense but we are so engrossed in the worldly possessions that we lose our true essence of spiritual being. We get more attached to the materialistic short-lived pleasures rather than serving the soul
How to Nurture Your True Spirit?
Meditation: It is through regular meditation we can keep our consciousness pure, pious and pellucid.
We can remove the shackles of materialistic attachments, pre-notions and learned beliefs.
With the help of easy RajYoga meditation, we will be able to witness our true inner self, the spirit of light residing inside us. When we practice the art of nurturing our soul with a focused and quiet mind, we watered it with the required vitamins and minerals.
Meditation helps us to connect with the both sources of power i.e. Our Inner Self and The Godly Power. That is why meditation is the right way to access the real vitamins and the minerals that spirit craves…The vitamin of pure love and the minerals of truth and wisdom.
So, to enrich our mind and soul, we should learn easy RajYoga Meditation and practice it daily. It will help us to empower ourselves with positivity and calmness. We should sit quietly and connect our mind to each source and allow ourselves to recharge and renew.
Meditation not only helps you to be a spiritually awakened soul but also a human being who can respond to a situation with rationality. It helps to stimulate your mind to take faster rational decisions in difficult situations. It keeps your mind and soul fresh with right kind of food (thoughts) loaded with vitamins and minerals.
If you are looking for a place where you can nurture your true spirit, visit the nearest BrahmaKumaris Center and learn the art to meditate at no cost. RajYoga meditation will help you to connect to the almighty and be a part of his patronage.
Meditate more with us! At no cost AT ALL… & Get Vitamins & Minerals for Soul !
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