In today’s era, we spend most of our time in cars, palatial buildings, on paved streets or sidewalks. Do you remember when was the last time that you had spent good time to physically reconnect with the Mother Nature - the Earth & the Sky?
The Earth i.e. the dirt and the grass under our feet, holds and nurtures us like a mother only. The way mother comfort us in the same way the mother earth also has its own way to protect and comfort us. Physically reconnecting with Nature Earth helps to strengthen our body and relax our mind. The delicious feel of the resilient ground & soft green grass poking through ourtoes stimulates us from head to toe. Once we are in direct contact with it, we experience deep relaxation as our all worries and tension drains away.
The Sky- There is nothing more beautiful & inspiring than a clear, star-filled night sky. Take time to bask in its beauty and meditate on the vastness of the universe and your place in it. Our busy life may keep us on a treadmill – running from work to home and back again. It is important to take a break and experience the awesome beauty of the night sky. Once we look up, we realize how magnificent is this universe and how we are just like a tiny speck.
When we witness the inconceivable vastness of the universe, we realize how trivial the things we keep worrying about are. That unpaid gas bill or the anxiety of meeting next deadline at work will surely fade away. Our mind and body get relaxed and experience the much-needed relief from the push of everyday life.
Next time when you feel that everything is going wrong and nothing is right, just wait for the evening sky to show its twinkling stars, planets and the moon. The vastness, the beauty will melt away all your worries and you will feel energized and relaxed.
There is nothing that the world can do to compete. Submit to the moment and feel a part of the cosmos, and everything and everyone in it.
Benefits Of Being One With Nature:
- Provides a different perspective on your problems
- Helps you to witness the vastness of the universe
- Grounds your thinking and emotions
- It stimulates and relaxes your body and mind both simultaneously
When to be done:
Practice this meditation outdoors in pleasant weather whenever you are feeling especially disconnected, lonely or unloved.
Stretch out under the stars, Breathe deeply for a few minutes and get comfortable.
Immerse yourself into the beauty of the night sky above you.
Let your thoughts and emotions move freely like clouds in the sky. Just let them pass through your mind without worrying or disturbing your inner peace.
Be aware about the surroundings and stay immersed for as long as you want.
Also enjoy the nurturing energy of Earth returning through your feet and up your legs and spine. Feel the energy as it flows through you, relaxing and rejuvenating your body and mind. Enjoy this exchange of energy for as long as you like. When you feel ready, stretch out on the grass. With arms and legs apart and rest. When you return home, write or think about your experience and any realizations you had about your problems and how to deal with them.
We at our centers ensure that you are in oneness with your soul. If you wish to meditate and be surrounded by the like-minded people, visit our nearest center today. You can experience the infinite vastness of the universe and be under his guidance to stay positive and connected.
Anyone interested in acquiring further knowledge on the subject, and those who want to learn
Easy RajYoga Meditation, can avail of free services being rendered by the Centres of Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya in many parts of the world.
Meditate more with us! At no cost AT ALL… & learn to connect with God !
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