Being an organized person, I plan my day in advance. I’ve listed all the activities and schedules for the next 24 hours. I have a lot to accomplish. I am not one for being caught up in trivial matters. I am methodical and efficient with my time. After all, time is valuable and should be utilized wisely. So, I have made my plans for the day.
And what a day! From early morning, everything seems to be conspiring to make a mockery of my plan, of my efficiency. I have had to deal with many unforeseen circumstances draining me out of my time and energy, thus keeping me away from what I thought I was really supposed to do. Yes, life is full of surprises and uncertainties that we feel our best-made plans are just useless and ineffective.
The best way to maintain a state of equilibrium and always remain calm is to become an observer. There are times when you need to keep cool, stand aside and like a good observer need to observe how the different scenes of the drama are unfolding.
“Even though I am an actor in the scene and even though I have to enact my role in these events,
I can develop a state of conscious detachment that helps me to deal more effectively with the situation. Being too close, I take my role in the drama for the real thing.
I become confused, intimidated and, worst of all, lose my cool – my equilibrium.” most of us can resonate with above statement. So, to maintain that peace of mind and the mental equilibrium you need to first understand that you are just an actor. You need not get worried about the materialistic failures and pleasures. You come on this earth for a bigger purpose.
Your soul needs to find its original abode of peace, calm and harmony. You need to stand out of this cacophony of materialistic and unreal life by being in the company of The Supreme Soul. He is here to bless us and take us with him to be a part of the Golden Age.
To start with, just let the life unfolds the way he wants it to be! Just surrender your soul to him and be blessed with his utmost kindness upon us!
With our guidance and your perseverance, you will be surely able to see the world as an observer and enact in a rationale and logical way to any unforeseen circumstances. This will help you to be less stressed and more focused on what is actually need to be focused upon.
You have to understand that it’s not that easy to take it easy and let the life unfolds itself. You can be under his wings and be a blessed one by practicing easy RajYoga meditation at our centers located all across the globe at no cost.
Meditate with us! At no cost AT ALL… & be a detached observer of your life!
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What is Happiness?
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