When did you read a motivational message last?
Do you remember it?
What was it?
Did you actually tried to inculcate that message in your life?
Many of us like these Inspirational & Motivational messages we get to read on different media every day, we feel better for a while and then forget them forever.
We don't grab them.
We never work on them & take it for granted. We don't realize the incredible, divine, heavenly, transforming value of them.
They are like a wind that blows over our heads and moves our hair a bit. But then the wind passes by and we haven't been changed. We feel just as miserable as before. Then we need another word to make us feel better again. Let’s be wiser with us.
See the tremendous power in the words you receive and let's begin to work with them. Print the messages. Read them aloud and repeat them. Read them again over the course of days and weeks. WORK WITH THEM. Be awake and realize the amazing wealth of what you receive. See the incredible value of it. And work with the messages. Look for ways to implement into your life.
Once you start working on them, you will realize how transforming words are and you will be able to inculcate the best in you. With each motivational message followed by the heart you will imbibe a quality which you will cherish forever. So, Stop Just Reading…Start Practicing!
There are two people when it comes to such Motivational messages:
Those who hear and do & Those who hear and don't do. The first group grows closer to success, fruitfulness, healing, joy, and destiny. The other group stays where they are. Be part of the first group. Be a royal being.
But you have to take steps towards your calling. You have to make decisions. You have to change your life according to the words and come out of your comfort zone. There will be times when you will be skeptical about the outcome but still take one step at a time. Do the next right thing when you can’t see or predict what future will have in store for you.
Don’t just use those golden messages as a soothing cream for a short moment, after which you forget all about it, you'll never move forward. Print the messages that touch you. Keep them. Read them again. Find ways to do & implement into your life, see it as what it is: Maybe a divine treasure given freely to you.
Cherish the wisdom of the words and nourish the knowledge to give the valuable output for leading a fruitful life. Once you start nurturing your mind, body and soul with positivity and golden words, you will experience the divine knowledge.
Value it, grab the full power of it, LIVE WITH IT.
This knowledge will stay with you forever and ever. You will be able to bring change not only in your own life but also in the life of people around you by practicing what inspires you to be a good human soul.
Meditate with us! At no cost AT ALL… & see the change in you!
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