Want to experience true happiness but laden with a burdened mind?
Do you worry too much or get haggard by small things?
With a burdened and worrisome mind you may experience fleeting, short-lived moments of pleasure but utmost bliss can be experienced only by remaining always light.
It is rightly said that some battles are just not worth it!
In today’s era if you can cultivate this habit of taking yourself and others around you lightly, you will be the happiest soul.
To ‘take it easy’ in all circumstances, you actually need to work a lot on your ‘inner powers’. It is with the help of these inner powers you will be able to control your emotions and reaction towards people and events happening around you.
Once you work upon your inner powers, you will have a healthy attitude towards everyone including yourself. It is rightly said that: “you cannot change events, but you can change your attitude towards them.” Yet when actual situations arise, attitudinal change is difficult because of the mind-set already formed.
Attitude is the by-product of your prides and prejudices, priorities and preferences, desires and ambitions, needs and compulsions. These, in turn, are influenced by habits and addictions, beliefs and outlook, learning’s and dependencies, whims and fancies and a number of other factors.
Pre-dispositions thus formed produce certain mental pulls and pushes, which determine responses and reactions to external situations. That’s why people will react in different ways to a same event as per their attitude.
With the shift in paradigms, it is required to break the shallow stereotypes mind-sets and develop inner capabilities which will focus on positivity leaving negative out of any situation. If you wish to bring change in attitude, you need to first work on your will power and ensure that you make a firm resolve to take things ‘lightly’.
“We are addicted to our thoughts. We cannot change anything if we cannot change our thinking.”
So, if you wish to change your attitude, you have to change your thinking process. You have to bring in light and positivity to your thoughts. The word ‘light’, in the spiritual sense, also means enlightenment that dispels the inner darkness of illusion, ignorance, doubt and confusion.
This enables you to visualize things in their true form.
Once the deception is eliminated, you will experience confidence and clarity of thoughts. This will replace fear and anxiety with joy and happiness. Then you have to bring in major attitudinal change: Live life as a celebration but not as war zone or as a struggle to strive.
We are always in joyful mood when we are celebrating, so living life like a celebration will bring in the great joy and utmost happiness. To make life a celebration, the easiest way is to become well-wisher for all.
At the root of your attitude lies your belief system.
The vital basic flaw in today’s belief system is body-consciousness, i.e. we prefer identifying ourselves with how our body looks rather than how healed is our immortal entity i.e. inner soul.
The root-cause of all the crises is this identity-crisis. The eternal being i.e. your soul is an imperishable point of light, a sentient entity which is full of love, peace, calmness, kindness and compassion. Till the time you use your body just as an instrument and stay in the state of soul-consciousness, you will remain a sentient light with its innate qualities because that’s what you are supposed to be.
Also, your words and actions will be in sync with your innate qualities. This body in which our real self-i.e. our soul resides in, is made up of matter and its sense organs can only give us short-lived and sensual pleasure which also dependent upon external factors.
So, once you are more focused on materialistic pleasures, your pristine purity starts destroying and thus you lose your innate qualities and positivity of mind.
This results in hatred, jealousy, anger and other negativities which in turn affect our entire thinking procedure. The negative thoughts lead to wrongful actions and vice-a-verse.
This dilutes the quality of thoughts, and consequently, the quality of life. Waste thoughts harvest attitudinal maladies including doubts, fear, apprehensions, etc. and take away all the zest and zeal of life. This results in lethargy and laziness. The negativity weakens our thought process and our mind becomes more prone to external influences.
Self-realization or soul-consciousness on the other hand brings home the truth that the soul’s original qualities of love, peace, happiness and bliss are all non-material, like the soul itself.
The negativity or the vices like anger, ego, jealousy, hatred, etc. are non-material in nature. In fact, the stresses and strains one goes through because of negative traits is also non-material in nature.
Hence, the required corrective action in this respect has essentially to be taken at the level of your basic beliefs. To enjoy a happy external journey through this life and beyond, an inner journey is an essential pre-requisite.
Why To Travel Inwards
Self-realization or Soul-Conscience enables you to easily let go of the past.
Instead of regretting, it enables you to gain valuable experience from past mistakes and increase your powers of tolerance and patience. When one begins to learn from mistakes, the meaning of the saying ‘everything happens for the best’ becomes clear.
Mistakes are not repeated. Attention helps avoid tension.Once the waste thoughts are produced less, the quality of thoughts also improves. This is your secret to remain light and happy under all conditions and circumstances.
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How to Live in Present
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