As soon as the sleep is over & the eyes open, the first thought that should enter the mind of a devout spiritualist should be, “I am a soul”. This does not take a long time but its influence is there all the daylong.
One has not to leave the bed & not to engage his mind with any worldly thought or work immediately,
but, sitting up at ease. one should spend a few minutes in this contemplation; “I am a soul, a conscient dot of light.
I am a child of God, the Supreme Soul, who is the Ocean of Knowledge, Peace, Bliss & Love, who does good to all & grants them peace & happiness.
Like Him, I should also be instrumental in doing spiritual good and bringing transcendental happiness to others. I came into this world from a higher world, called The ‘Soul World’, which is my original Abode & where purity & peace supremely prevail.
After my advent into this world, my life was pure and divine and was replete with complete happiness & peace in the first two eras. That is to say, my life is Golden Age (Satyuga) was worth gold &, in Silver Age (TretaYuga) it was worth silver. I had then diety-status and self-rule & was untouched by any sorrow.
In Copper & Iron-Age I was a devout worshipper & did have happiness in some measure or of some sort.
I have now understood this thoroughly that I am a soul, 'a point of light', this body is just an inn for me, I am a child of Almighty God Father and I am now soon to return to my original Abode – the Soul World.
I am fortunate that I have established my link with Him, using RajYoga Meditation. It is wonderful indeed to have relationship with Him.
Verily & most Fortunately, He is my Father, my Teacher & my Preceptor, all in one and, He is leading me out of this terrestrial world to the World of perfect silence, i.e. the Soul World and, from there, to the World of Beatitude and Fruition or what is called heaven.
What a luck that I m now a spiritually adopted child, by virtue of the invaluable Knowledge I have heard as spoken by God himself, the knowledgeful through the mouth-organ of Brahma and am now on the way to rendering my life excellently pure, brilliant and valuable like a jewel by dint of this knowledge & RajYoga Meditation.’
One must learn the Rajyoga Meditation from any of the nearer Spiritual RajYoga Meditation Centre to experience the more close & touched relation with GOD.
One must not give in to laziness or sleep but consider this as an indispensable and necessary means of securing the valuable gems of Godly Knowledge and the only means of acquiring peace & happiness for several lives at a stretch.
This is really not to be missed.This will provide the essential strength & right nutrition food to the soul.
Meditate with us! At no cost AT ALL… & learn to cnotrol your thoughts
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