“Attachment is the source of all suffering.” Buddha
When we get attached to someone or something, we tend to fear to lose it and it is then we start suffering because of our worldly attachments.
As Yasmin Mogahed said:
We should not get confuse between attachment and love.
Attachment is about fear and dependency; it is about being selfish.
Love without attachment is the purest love because it isn’t about what others can give you because you’re empty. It is about what you can give others because you’re already full.”
When you are attached to the body your soul is dwelling in, you can’t be in love with your soul and When you are in love with your own soul, you are not attached to the body it dwells in.You are aware of the fact that this is just a home and will leave it when the time comes.
When people are not aware about the soul awakening and confronted with a cruel possibility of leaving their body, then most of them still try to hold on to the materialistic things, the worldly relationships. They cannot let go of their attachment to their children, grandchildren, family or to their wealth that they acquired during their whole life.
As the end of life approaches, they tend to hold on to the attachments. This makes death a fearful or painful experience. However, one should realize that everyone has to leave behind their loved ones at some point of their life. One cannot escape it; it will occur at the precise moment when the account of giving and taking with other souls through a particular costume is finished.
It is better to transform the attachments to real love and move away from possessiveness to a life of receiving, giving and sharing. Receiving love and power from the Supreme and sharing it with the loved ones. One should detach oneself from worldly relations and use such time to link their mind to the Supreme soul who bestows real peace, happiness and bliss.
It is, if one has to breathe his last, it should be in the lap of the Eternal Father. It is this remembrance that creates good fortune for the future.
If you wish to experience His love and Hold his hand to move forward in your eternal journey visit us at various Rajyoga Spiritual Centers located all across the globe and be part of the family who helps you to build a heavenly abode for your enlightened soul.
Meditate with us! At no cost AT ALL… & learn to be free from all attachment!
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