A New World - After Covid-19
A New World – After Covid-19
Hey Mankind
There will be time
When we all will sing this rhyme
We all will be fine
As Mother Earth will Shine
And Sky Will Be Like Springtime
Only if Humans Stay Confine
Stop Whine And Follow The Divine
Surrender to his Will and Sing His Chime
He will take you to His Shrine
Away from the world of waste and wonder,
Of Poverty and Plenty,
The world of Companies Swelled So High,
Delivering things in a day time
But people forgetting way to stay offline
Amidst the noise we are alone
Kids have phone but they are lone
Skies are thicker with smoke over ozone
Roads are filled with cars each giving Mother Earth a Scar
No one runs in grass as we have replaced parks
The seas are filled with plastic as humans embarks
Waste in Millions and Trillions with each benchmark
Upsetting the Balance of the Mother Earth
We have opened doors to dearth
Now with Covid-19 we understand the real worth
Looking for steps to stay healthy in our girth
RajYoga Meditation will help us in our Rebirth
It will connect us to Supreme Soul & Mother Earth
Once we strive to strike a balance and unearth
The Secret to Mirth
People will dust off their instincts
Stop believing fake statistics
Start to spread smile and be benign
Birds will chirp and climb the grapevine
Wildlife will bloom in full shine
Earth will start to breathe and beaches will witness the new life
A New World will be Enshrine
Wait till then as together we shall outshine.
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