The Search will End here!
Searching God?
Attraction to bodily names and forms has taken us away from God.
This in turn has made us search for God, just as when someone has lost his beloved and he longs for her.
Another example is a lost child.
A child gets lost and is discovered by a stranger who tries to comfort him by offering everything. “Don’t cry, honey, here is some candy, here are some toys.” Yet in spite of all this attention, the child will still continue to cry. Why? Because he wants his mother. So why do we cry? We may have a good home, good parents, a good family, but still we cry because it is the soul that is lost, wanting the Mother, wanting the Father.
Once we find God, we stop crying. The search ends. This is why it is always said that the path of devotion is the path of reading scriptures, going on pilgrimages, searching for God. When God Himself comes, the search ends.
And it is the same as when the other appears in front of the child; whatever was given by the stranger is just thrown down, and the child runs to the mother. Whatever else had been given to the child, to distract him from his grief, is just thrown away when the mother is found.
So we can understand the plight of someone who is lost, the plight of a seeker.
“Oh God, where are you? Do you really exist? When will that day come when I will meet You?”
There are many such seekers whose thirst has not yet been quenched.
Their desire still remains. This desperate state remains until God is recognized. If you are searching for God and trying to quench your thirst with all other things than God, you will remain baffle throughout in your journey to find God. In order to be one with God, you need to realize
that he can be achieved only with the practice of RajYoga meditation.
He has come on this Earth to take his real followers and create the Golden Age, if you wish to be united with him, act now and visit our nearest center.
We at our centers, guide people how to search God and get united with the Supreme Soul at no cost.
You will be able to fulfill your desire to be with him only when you learn and practice Easy RajYoga.
Come & Meditate with us! At no cost AT ALL… & Meet 'GOD'
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Who Knows GOD?
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